Bianca Therese: "I LOVE YOU" (Feature/Interview)

Bianca Therese: "I LOVE YOU" (Feature/Interview)

When did you realize your ability to sing?

My whole childhood people told me to please stop singing because it's horrible! When I was 16, a specialist in throat medicine told me I will never be able to sing! He told me I should better learn another instrument! But I sing since I was a little girl and it always made me feel good! I decided not to listen to the doctor and started practicing daily twice and always more, longer and harder than the others! I took this very seriously! So my voice slowly got stronger, and clearer and I got a higher vocal range! Finally, I like my voice! It shows who I am, that I am a strong woman, and that nothing is impossible if you really love someone or something! it's been a pretty hard way, an almost impossible one but the love and passion for singing made me do that!

What is your music and message all about?
I would say my music is made out of dark depression with a tiny bit of hope and a lot of love. So my music is about being broken but even about healing, it's about being hurt but also about being open for love! Most of my songs I wrote to help myself! My songs are some kind of a first aid kit for my soul! Music is my way to feel free for some minutes! I can be and feel whatever I want or need at this moment! Music is a very good friend! It doesn't judge you! It's like a hug from within! So my message is... Don't let anyone else tell you who you are! If you want to sing... Sing! No matter what anyone else thinks about it! Singing is a gift the gods gave us to help us carry on I think.

How would you describe your vocal style?
I try to not think in styles to keep myself open up to any creative flows! Every single one of my songs got its own life and I don't want to destroy the feeling of a song just because I want them to be in a special style! My songs are being created as they finally want to be.

What was the hardest part of making "I LOVE YOU "?
That's a really good question. Some of my songs were "born" pretty hard. But this song just flew out of my soul! "I LOVE YOU " is one of my personal favorite songs because it got this sweetness, it's so soft and full of love! Creating this song made me see another side of me! It showed me this soft side of me and I really enjoy this!

What was the most enjoyable part of making "I LOVE YOU"?

I really enjoyed the whole process of making this song because it came out of me so easily and it felt so cozy! Writing this song I learned a lot about myself, about others, and also about the world! What keeps us together? It's LOVE! LOVE is what we all want and need! So I decided to send words of love into this sometimes very cold world! But I also enjoyed looking for the right instrument to get the warm sound and feel I wanted to get! Singing and recording were also a pleasure. I felt like a child again. I really enjoyed the whole process!

What is one feeling you want to leave listeners with?
I want to leave them feeling less lonely!



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