Erica Jean: "Chipped Pink Fingernails" (Feature/Interview)

Erica Jean: "Chipped Pink Fingernails" (Feature/Interview)

When did you first realize your ability to sing?

 I grew up playing the piano and writing songs from around age 4, I couldn’t even reach the pedals but I made music. It started with writing about my primary school boyfriends, or how I wished Macaroni Pizza was real, and then it developed and developed. I realised music was a gift when I started to tell people I wrote songs, and they said to keep them safe somewhere. I made a purple songwriting book, and ended up filling 3 books by age 13, as well as various scraps of songs on pink post it notes we’re still finding around the house now! To be able to express yourself and relate with other people over music is such an amazing thing, and even better to wake up and do it every day. I’m so grateful to be in this industry, and to share some pink glitter with others.

 What is your music and message all about? 

 My music is for those people who find the joy in the smaller parts of life, who look for sunrises, and who need that boost from being around other people. My message is to celebrate your individuality, the things which make life fun, and not caring how you look or what others think, because you’re having a blast of a time. My music is to be the big sister, the cool aunt, the groovy grandad, and the dance playlist for every occasion.

 How would you describe your vocal style? 

 My vocal style I would describe as energetic, bubbly, and positive. When I’m recording I love to smile while I sing, like I would performing live, as I find you can really tell when someone sings what energy they put out, and having that in a track to bop along makes even more serotonin.

 What was the hardest part of making this song?

 The hardest part of making this song was finishing it! I actually wrote the song and then forgot about it until I got the hook stuck in my head a year later. I relearned the song’s chords from a muffled voice recording on my phone, and switched up a few parts and then sat back and went “huh this is a good song”. I then decided to use it as my debut single as I felt it really encompassed my personality into a song, and I’m so glad it came back to me as an ear worm. It’s proof that everything will have its moment, and Pink is always in fashion!

 What was the most enjoyable part of making this song? 

 Everything! I love songwriting, I love recording studios, they make me feel like I’m in a spaceship, and I love working with other creatives in the industry. Its been such a joy to be working on this project, and seeing the song develop from a cheeky song on my keyboard to a full on dancey tune. I think you can hear the energy in the song, and I hope you feel a flavour of that zing yourselves when you listen to it!

 What is one feeling you want to leave listeners with?

 I’d love listeners to feel empowered, energised, and Pink. I used to describe Pink as an adjective for anything happy, including “feeling pink” and that is the feeling I’d love to pass on to listeners. Let’s get pink into boogying, dancing, cooking, running, travelling, and everything in your daily lives. Everything’s better pink.

 How do you prepare for your live performances? 

 I normally do a facemask the night before to calm the nerves and get a good nights sleep, then I always have a packet of rainbow strips for the day of the gig for focusing on the zing and calm the thoughts, or I drink Coke Zero before a show. Its no wonder I’m bouncing off the walls! I then always remind myself as I step onstage to enjoy the show, be in the moment, and be grateful you’re where you wished to be. Then I take a deep breathe and sing. If you’re thinking of performing, or get nervous when playing, I promise it gets easier every time, and each milestone you know you can reach next time. Go smash it, go pink and go wild.

Jayde: "Rewind" (Exclusive Interview)

Jayde: "Rewind" (Exclusive Interview)