Lanee' Heartsong: "Found" (Exclusive Interview)

Lanee' Heartsong: "Found" (Exclusive Interview)

Q: How'd you come up with your stage name?

A: I've always been a big fan of Maxwell and while reading an interview learned that he used his middle name as his stage name. I loved that idea and because I really liked my middle name Lanee' decided to do the same. I added HeartSong because I felt it accurately expressed what I desired for my music to represent, music from the heart. 

Q: Where are you from?

A: I was born in California while my dad, who was a Marine, was stationed there. We eventually moved back to my parent's hometown of Lafayette, Louisiana when I was elementary school age. That's where I lived all the way up through graduating college. Louisiana is a place with a very unique culture and people with a lot of heart. 

Q: How did you get your start in music?

A: It sounds cliche', but I've been singing all my life. I remember hearing recordings my dad had of us as little kids singing to kid songs in our living room. In school I always was in the school choir, and sang in the church choir. 

I was never a person that sought being in the spotlight, but others would recognize my gift and select me for lead roles in performances. 

Moving to Atlanta in 2005 is what inspired me to pursue the next level in my music. 

Q: Is music a big part of your family?

A: As a kid there were a few cousins who shared the gift and passion for music, but was not something that was a big part.

In my home now with my kids, music and creativity does play a big part. I believe we were created to create. When we are using our gifts and talents to do just that, we are the most free and fulfilled. 

Q: What artists and songs did you grow up listening to?

A: They were my parent's favorite artists like Michael Jackson, Tina Turner and Barry White whose music I was first introduced to as it was played on the record player in our home. As I grew my connection with the emotion in R&B music led me to gravitate to artists like Brandy, Monica and Tamia.

As a deep thinker,  I also found pleasure in the thought provoking lyrics of Neo Soul artists like Lauren Hill, India Arie, Jill Scott and Common.

Q: What is the biggest message you want to bring to your audience?

A: Hope and Joy. So many people are facing discouragement and disappointment in their lives. It can be hard to see beyond the blockers and challenges in front of them and find the motivation to keep going. 

Hope that it can get better and the Joy of what blessings that we do have help us smile, enjoy the journey and keep from giving up. That's what I want people to feel when they hear my music. 

Q: What has been the most challenging part of your music journey?

A: I'd have to say believing and pushing through doubt. I knew that I had a gift of music with my voice, but comparing myself to other voices led me to see mine as not good enough. At times I didn't have a strong enough belief, so when faced with life distractions or challenges I waivered in my music.   

Once I realized that God had given me a unique voice on purpose with the intent of using it to add to the world, I finally had the confidence to take the bold steps towards it. 

Q: Any good vocal health tips you can share?

A: My advice would be to remember to use TLC (tender loving care). That means warming up before you have to sing for long periods of time. Stay hydrated and remember to relax and enjoy the process; The music comes out better when you prepare and let it flow naturally. 

Q: What are your goals for the rest of 2023? 

A: This year my focus is on continuing to create purpose centered music for an EP that is authentic to me. I also plan to continue to grow my fingerprint in the music sync world, and social media presence to reach more people. 

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