Lhana Stefani: "You Are Not Alone" (Feature/Interview)

Lhana Stefani: "You Are Not Alone" (Feature/Interview)

How'd you come up with your stage name?

I thought about how long my full name is. So, I decided to keep things simple and use just my first two names. It's a way to make things easier while still staying true to myself when I'm singing.

Where are you from?

I was born in a small town in Sao Paulo, Brasil called Santa Barbara D’Oeste, but I was raised in Lowell, Massachusetts before I was brought back home to get to know my family and culture at 12.

How did you get your start in music?

My passion for singing came from listening to my mom sing, there was this one day when I heard my mom practicing this worship song called “Maravilhoso” by Mara Maravilha and I asked her if I could sing it at church, she laughed because I was only two but she asked the pastor and I sang this big adult song. That’s when she realized I was serious about it and that’s when she would sing and practice with me and music just started to become more serious in my life.

Is music a big part of your family?

Music comes from my grandparents back home, and in the short time that I had to get to know my family; during the weekends my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents would get together to sing and play. My father was a music teacher and that’s where I learned everything I know and love about music. My parents and siblings all play and sing too. So, I would say yes, it’s a big part of my family but it’s also part of my identity.

What artists and songs did you grow up listening to?

I mostly grew up listening to old hymns and Brasilian gospel singers like Cassiane, Aline Barros, Suellen Lime, etc. but also Disney channel movies with a big soundtrack like High School Musical and Camp Rock.

What is the biggest message you want to bring to your audience?

As a Christian singer, my main message to my audience is about hope and faith. Through my songs, I want to show the love and grace of God, letting people know they're never alone. Whether it's through uplifting tunes or heartfelt lyrics, I hope to encourage others to trust in God's plan and find comfort in His promises. Overall, I want my audience to remember that no matter what, there's always hope and redemption through faith in God as expressed in John 3:16, where it's written, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." It's a reminder that regardless of life's challenges, God's love knows no bounds, offering eternal hope and redemption to all who embrace it.

What has been the most challenging part of your music journey?

The most challenging part of my music journey has been navigating the path I've chosen. I’m a worshipper and I want to leave that 100% clear, I'm dedicated to spreading a clear message of faith through my music. However, I've struggled with the fear of drawing attention to myself rather than to God. This fear often led me to hide myself, fearing misunderstanding or judgment from others. Doubt has worked its way in at times, making it difficult to stay committed to my calling. I've struggled with the balance between wanting to give my all and fearing the consequences of being recorded or putting myself out there. Despite these challenges, my dedication to sharing God's message through my voice stays firm.

Any good vocal health tips you can share?

Good vocal health is a must for any singer, and I've found a couple of tricks that work for me. First off, ginger and honey tea have been game-changers. Not only does it soothe my throat, but it also helps reduce inflammation and keep my vocal chords in good condition. I also make sure to do vocal exercises every day. These exercises help to strengthen my vocal muscles, improve range, and warm up my voice. My vocal health and performance are much better after adding these habits to my routine.

What are your goals for the rest of 2024? 

For the rest of 2024, I've set some goals for myself; the most important of all is to stop hiding. I've been hiding for far too long out of fear of being misunderstood or criticized. As an artist and a person, I'm determined to come out of the shadows and embrace who I am this year. I have faith that those who need to hear my message will be moved by it, and I want to spread it without holding back. Whether it's through my music, my actions, or my words, I'm determined to live truly and completely. This year is about owning my voice and my truth, no matter what.

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