Jasmine Rose: 'Hot Coffee' (Exclusive Interview)

Jasmine Rose: 'Hot Coffee' (Exclusive Interview)

When did you first realize your ability to sing?

I don't think I had a big realisation that I could sing, it was always something I did from a young age. My mother has raised my brother and I on musical theatre. We would sing everywhere and music became a big part of my life. I obsessed over artists on the tv and like many kids, I would dress up and have my own personal concerts in my room singing into a hairbrush. From about the age of 10 I would sit on the piano and make songs and started experimenting with music software's in my later teens. As I did more shows in and out of school, I realised that I wanted to be a singer. It was always my answer to 'What do you want to be when you're older?' and it still hasn't changed. 

What is your music and message all about? 

Alot of my music is written from raw emotion. Almost all my songs are written from personal experience. Therefore, they tend to differ. My previous LP 'Inner City' was written whilst I was in University, it touches along subjects such as alcohol abuse, the party life, depression, anxiety and relationships. My EP 'Sweet Love' was written about love, fear, excitement and relationships. Then you have my newest album 'Metamorphosis' which touches upon change, inner growth, self-love, letting go of the past and not caring what others think. 

I would have to summarise it all by saying my message is about accepting change, accepting the highs and lows, letting go of what's pulling you down, learning to love yourself and never giving up. Life isn't constant, it isn't always stable, in some ways it's scary and in others, beautiful. With my music, it's a reflection/story of my life that many may or may not be able to relate too. Either way, I am grateful to those who are on the journey with me. 

What is your recording process like for this song? 

My recording process is a funny one. There is no structure to start. My voice note app is a very strange place, filled with random melodies and lyrics that have come to me. Sometimes it can be so out of the blue, work, out for walks, nights out and interestingly I wrote and recorded 'Lullaby' from my LP 'Inner City' at 3am when I couldn't sleep. From there I tend to start with the music and instruments, I'll break them down, find what I think best fits the vibe and emotion I am feeling. The music and the lyrics come hand in hand. I've never completed one before the other. I always have little snippets of each and then I will weave them together. I record in my bedroom studio, produce them as well as I can and end up with the finished product. 

This song 'Hot Coffee' was originally written in my last year of uni. I remember the moment I started writing. It was early morning, those who know me, know I'm not a morning person. But this day I hadn't slept well, and decided to get up. The sun was shining and the patio was frosted over. I had a coffee and opened the back door to hear the birds outside. I had been feeling rather low, tired, unmotivated, but in this moment, it felt so peaceful, as if I'd been taking advantage of the small beautiful things around me and suddenly I began to write and record in the living room. I didn't end up releasing it. If I'm honest, I forgot about it. A year later I found it and remembered how I had felt in that moment, I wanted it to be a part of 'Metamorphosis' and that was that.

How would you describe your genre and sound?

I wouldn't say I have one specific style or genre. I just write, play and produce what I feel at that current time. I love most music and feel as an artist who writes from experience and emotion, I don't want to stay in one genre, the music reflects what is happening in my life at that current time and as I've said, life constantly changes, we constantly grow and I'd like my music to reflect that. It's also fun to try new things. However, if I were to say some influences, Jazz, Blues, Theatre and Rock would be the most accurate. 

What can we expect from you in 2023 and beyond? 

I have a few different personal projects I have been working on and am hopeful to make some new music this year, as well as music videos. I hope to one day start doing my own shows and start putting myself out there. Grow a bigger audience that love the music as much as I do. Step out my comfort zone and see where it goes!

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